Top mentors
15 professional fields
Deadline 10 July
Top mentors
15 professional fields
Deadline 10 July
BRIGHT BELARUS is a community of talented Belarusians. We connect those who have studied at top universities worldwide with those who aspire to do the same. Our mission is to help unlock your potential through education. Under the guidance of Bright Belarus mentors, prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, and other renowned universities are closer than you think!
International Education for Belarusians
The BRIGHT Community
Our team unites journalists, businessmen, musicians, AI-engineers, bioinformaticians, genetic engineers, economists, poets, athletes, lawyers, and biophysicists. We have studied at top overseas universities and have received scholarships from prestigious international funds. Throughout our admission process, we had the support of people who guided us with their words, actions, and personal examples. Now, we aim to inspire a new generation of Belarusians by sharing our experiences and ideas.
We support Belarusians regardless of where we are!
BRIGHT benefits
Bright Belarus offers the opportunity to connect with mentors who can guide you through university admissions, help secure international scholarships or internships, and enhance your career. Selected participants will become mentees of the programme and will gain:
Guidance on university admissions,
internships and scholarships
Advice on CV
and portfolio
Development of professional
and soft skills
Access to exclusive
admissions resources
Membership in
the BRIGHT community
Programme Timeline
June — July 2024
June — July 2024
Selection of candidates
July 10: Application deadline
July 15-28: Interviews with candidates
August 1: Selection results announced
August 2024
August 2024
Programme kick-off
August 5: Introductory webinar for mentees
August 7: Introductory webinar for mentors
August 12: Online meetup for mentors and mentees
August 13-26: Development of CVs and personal statements
September 2024 — March 2025
September 2024 — March 2025
Mentorship and development
September 9: Mentor-mentee meetings kick-off
Participation in monthly educational webinars
Communication within the BRIGHT community chat
April — May 2025
April — May 2025
Interviews and networking sessions with BRIGHT Belarusians
Conference on education
June 2025
June 2025
Evaluation of results
June 15: Online graduation
Dream Team
Our Dream Team includes exceptional Belarusians educated at top universities worldwide. They are passionate about mentoring other talented people from Belarus toward their goals. Our mentors have been recipients of numerous prestigeous scholarships, such as the RISE, Chevening, Weidenfeld-Hoffmann, Darwin, Swedish Institute, and Fulbright Scholarships.
Have you studied abroad as well?
Join the community of Bright Belarus mentors. Your participation may change the life of one Belarusian today.
Become a mentor
Opportunities for Belarusians
Bright Belarus cooperates with Belarusian businesses, foreign universities and foundations. We are open to collaboration with those who are looking for young and talented individuals. We have candidates who are willing
to work hard and learn quickly.
Current opportunities
We set up internships, develop summer schools and establish scholarships for Belarusians. Follow the news on the website to be the first
to know about new opportunities.
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